Why representation is important: allows audience to relate to characters allows the producer to construct a text easier coveys the ideology in a more idea way for the producer gives insight into other cultures etc that people otherwise wouldn't know about they are NOT REAL - they are a construction of reality, but also constructs reality!!! a type of bias they aren't the world itself, but a recreation of the world CAMILLE - she is representing young girls, and therefore her long hair and pale skin make her seem delicate and gentle - atypical as she is not in hoodie or jeans, and quite complex - her complexity mirrors the complexity of the show - the red hair seems unconventional, and as one of 'The Returned' she is meant to stand out - the target audience may feel sympathy towards her as she is going through a confusing time being alive all of a sudden SIMON - he is supposed to represent young men and he looks very youthful - th...