The concept of Hyperreality

hyperreality = beyond reality

The premise of hyperreality is that the representation of real life is actually more real than what people actually consider 'real life'.

"it is no longer a question of imitation, nor duplication, nor even parody. It is a question of substituting the signs of the real for the real" - Jean Baudrillard

Simulacra - a representation of something that never existed to begin with.

Examples of SIMULACRA in 'Humans':
- the synths are simulacra because they are not the same as robots that exist now
- the parallel world to our own

POSTMODERNISM includes making media which is deliberately outrageous and grabs the attention of their audience by being particularly daring. An example of postmodernism is 'bricolage', where things are just thrown together and some of the time it is purposefully bad. It's anti-theory, as in that the world should not rely on what is theoretical because the world is meaningless.


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