

- BBC radio, specifically online, has been re-named (or re-branded) to BBC sounds
- Paid for via licences
- Due to economic factors it is easier to access radio through their website
- BBC sounds website is logical, well laid out, and has lots of options for people to listen to
- Appeals to a wide audience, not a niche audience
- When registering, BBC uses photos of icons of the company like David Attenborough
- Public Broadcast provider
- Thumbnails on the website are clear and precise, targets the audience through this simpliciy

John Peel - started as a pirate DJ, and then was hired by the BBC. He did what he wanted and there was a lot of diverse content. He faced many complaints, and he has not been replaced because someone like him could bring a lot of backlash that the BBC doesn't want.

- AUDIENCE: middle aged (30s), female audience, middle class, working mum 
     - audience is attracted through the type of guests on the show, type of music played 
     - could see it as an insight into the guest's lives, people could find it aspirational, find out new               things, discover new music with a mixture of older ones.
     - use of the internet means that you'll have to actively enjoy the show and be a dedicated audience         member rather than because it's available (i.e car)
     - more superficial knowledge rather than in-depth means the audience may use it to boost their                social interactions
     - could say the preferred reading is something comfortable and easy to listen to, with oppositional         reading being that it is about celebrities and their lives to possibly distract you from your own.

Other examples:
-TED talk for BBC 4, uses TED brand in order to target their older audience
- BBC radio 2 overall has a much broader music selection, not just new songs and lots of genres


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