Film Industry: Week 1

Every media product exists for money.


  • First film was made in order to see if a horses hooves came off the ground, by someone called Muybridge in 1877.
  • Most technology was limited and films were only about a minute long.
  • The first films were made with still cameras and then the images were put together.
  • Sound wasn't introduced until 1927, and the first film with sound was 'The Jazz Singer'.
  • First film studios built in 1897.
  • Films were made a standardised product, as they realised they could make a product.
  • Most film jobs were seen as crafts, and it meant that many people were women.
Classical Hollywood Narrative refers to:
  • The audience always knows exactly where we are (Spacial Continuity).
  • Emphasis is on temporal continuity, where the audience always knows in what order the events have happened.
  • The film must be realistic, and must not make reference to other filmic or popular texts.

The Studio System-

Production (making of a media product)
Distribution (getting the product out there)
Vertical/Horizontal integration
Regulation (the rules and restrictions followed by media products)
Convergence (where separate industries come together, like sound and moving images)
Exhibition (showing off the media product)
Digital Technologies (technology made possible by computers)

Things like the Universal sequence are Idents. They are a film distributer, however after this there are other idents for things like the production and sound companies.

Movie poster Cliches:
This is where the movie posters of certain genres all look the same or similar. The movie posters are made by the distributors who sell the product to the audience.


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