Music Videos

Diegesis of sound is complicated... diegesis is whether it is in the world of the narrative
Convergence is when two different industries come together

Why do music videos exist?
- a type of promotion for music
- synergy is when things tie together and give us something new
- a different way to listen to music
- an advert for a band as well as a song
- easily shared between people
- MTV as it started in the 1980s and popularised them

Music videos are edited around a song 
Films are edited before the soundtrack is put in
Music Videos are short
Films are long 
Music videos have a lot simpler narratives
Films have complicated narratives
Music videos are the advert not the product 
Films are a product and are advertised with trailers
Music videos are a lot more energetic, shorter cuts
Films are a lot more laid back, longer cuts
Music videos have direct mode of address
Films are unlikely to have a direct mode of address
Music videos appeal to more younger audiences
Films would appeal to older audiences 
Music videos are free to watch
Films generally have a charge to watch them 

CELEBRITIES: Music videos include celebrities, and celebrities are people who are well known for what they do and their talents or even lack thereof. They will have a bold personality, or a notable personality. Being a celebrity is "the attribution of glamorous or notorious status to an individual in the public sphere". Celebrities can be role models or even examples of hoe not to be. They also teach people lessons and therefore many people can learn from them. 

PULP - Babies

- Use of text and graphics communicate explicit meanings to the audience
- Long shot at the start introduces the audience to the band 
- Mise-en-scene is typical of the era
- Working class bedroom and this displays their audience
- Doesn't conform to hegemonic codes as he isn't wearing a shirt
- Close ups of their faces shows disinterest and is subversive of conventions
- Mode of address is direct and includes hand signals

LADY GAGA -Applause
- Mid shot with mask hides identity, and the gemstones show status
- Lack of clothing shows her boldness and confidence
- She goes against hegemonic rules of society
- Mise-en-scene is quite witchy and evil
- Lighting is always on her (spotlight) with more of a vignette on the rest of the shot
- Constantly looking at the artist
- Close up and high key lighting emphasises her importance
- Consistent use of close ups and her in the centre of the screen displays that it is all about her


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