Audience Appeal
Ways in which audiences can get pleasure from media products:
- Sexual Gratification
- Aspiring to become
- Identifying with characters
- Social Interraction
- Escape from reality
- Surveillance or voyeurism
Uses and Gratifications in Prayer in C music video:
Almost every shot in this music video is aligned centrally, and the alignment of the camera to do this creates a sense of perfection and a sense of equilibrium. This atmosphere of perfection could create an aspirational aesthetic as people may want their lives to be and feel this perfect.
- Sexual Gratification
- Aspiring to become
- Identifying with characters
- Social Interraction
- Escape from reality
- Surveillance or voyeurism
Uses and Gratifications in Prayer in C music video:
The car here could symbolise Aspirations because it is quite a big, flashy car that many people may want
The skateboard tricks here can be both aspirational and identifying with characters because many people can do this however some people want to be like this
This is a representation of escapism here as they are away from people
People are having fun and this could be something people aspire to, identify with or even to escape as people want to have fun and be happy
Voyeuristic and also a type of sexual gratification, and as well as this is emphasises the male gaze and the hegemonic role of women in things like music videos
Almost every shot in this music video is aligned centrally, and the alignment of the camera to do this creates a sense of perfection and a sense of equilibrium. This atmosphere of perfection could create an aspirational aesthetic as people may want their lives to be and feel this perfect.
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