Theorist Revision


  • Roland Barthes - the theory of semiotics
  • Tzvetan Todorov - the theory of narrative
  • Steve Neale - theories around genre
  • Claude Levi-Strausse - Binary oppositions 
  • Richard Dyer - the theory of Stereotypes
  • bel hooks - feminist theory
  • David Gauntlet - the pick and mix theory
  • Stuart Hall - the theory of representation 
  • Lisbet van Zoonen - feminist theory and the male gaze
  • David Hesmondhalgh - the cultural industries
  • Curran and Seaton - the theory of power in the media industries
  • Sonia Livingstone and Peter Lunt - the theory of media regulation
  • David Gauntlet - the pick and mix theory
  • Albert Bandura - the hypordermic syringe theory
  • Stuart Hall - Reception Theory
  • George Gerbner - Cultivation Theory


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