'Red Soles are always in Season'

  • Conventions of a fashion advert with a photograph of the 'product'. 
  • Pun of 'Red Soles' because the bottles would make uncomfortable shoes and make their actual feet red
  • Mocking the rich
  • Binary opposition of rich and poor
  • Could link to the way that some people find material items important however it is now bringing in how this is more important
  • Ideology of the producer is to make the audience feel guilty for spending money on expensive shoes instead of donating it to charity
  • mise-en-scene is dry and arid, and it could be a type of intertextuality (charity adverts), and tis creates meaning
  • Referential/Symbolic code of the phrase "red soles are always in fashion", a type of dark humor
  • The white background and bright atmosphere symbolises the purity, however there is the binary opposition of the image
  •  Binary opposition of the imprisonment and then the model
  • There is frustration from the man, and it is a mid shot which is unconventional. 
  • The amount of people in the mid-shot depict how busy and crowded conditions are in the image
  • Black and white image has connotations of sadness
  • Proairetic code of the man reaching out as though begging for something
  • Black and white could connote to how a fight may be about to start
  • The fashion image is bright and sophisticated
  • Model stands out and is showing off however they are crowded and nobody cares as they do not stand out in society

- give you cultural capital
- it isn't normal for people to not wear shoes

Commodity Fetishism - giving significant value to an object. It is the idea of the representation of the product which people come obsessed with.

Marxism -  
- Conflict between the working classes and ruling classes
- There is the idea that the working class are exploited by the ruling classes
- By exploiting the working classes, they can stop the working classes from becoming rich
- Marx supported communism
- Feels that commodity fetishism is there in order to create another form of control


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