Comparing Advertisement Genres

This charity advert is very typical of many, and includes many of the typical codes and conventions that are expected within a charity advert. For example, the audience is positioned so that the child in the image is looking into their eyes. This evokes a feeling of guilt within the audience as you are being placed in an uncomfortable situation - looking into someone's eyes isn't necessarily a comfortable action. Due to this, the only other place the audience can look is the logo of the charity, therefore raising awareness, as well as the amount of money they are suggested to donate. Saturated colours are also used to represent
a sad and dim atmosphere, as though there is no hope (apart from donations) for them to get better. The Z-line used here is also effective as after looking at the slogan of this advert, you look at the eyes, and then you see how to donate. A sans-serif font is used here, creating a to-the-point advert and showing us how necessary the donations are that they don't need anything else, and that it is simple to just donate.

In this high fashion advert, there are a lot of bright colours as well as the obvious use of a logo on the right hand side of the poster. Adverts are designed in order to show that something is missing in someones life, and in this advert, it's mode of address is happy and bright. This could imply that the audience is supposed to feel as if their life isn't as good without the jeans in it. The slogan is also effective in conveying this, as it reinforces that in order to be creative you must have the product. It also uses representation to show how these are upmarket jeans which are for use by professionals, for example the way that the slogan is saying that people who wear jeans can be successful too. Their catchphrase, "Go Forth", inspired the audience and gives them an incentive to buy the product, as it could feel they are "going forward" in life if the purchase these jeans.

Compared to the charity advert, the high fashion one is a lot brighter. This is because the purpose of the advert is to provoke the audience to feel their life will get better if they buy their products, and in the charity atmosphere the colour is saturated in order to provoke the audience to donate, as saturated colours symbolize life leaving someone and therefore evoke guilt in the audience. There are also no fancy fonts in the charity advert as compared to the fashion advert, and this is because they are much more to the point and want it to be made simple to people what their charity does.


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